Sexual Harassment in male student in SLSILU-MC
Chapter 1
Background of the Study
According to Republic Act 7877, an act declaring Sexual Harassment unlawful in the employment, education or training environment, and for other purposes. The act shall be known as the “Anti- Sexual Harassment act of 1995 where the state shall value the dignity of every individual, enhance the development of its human resources, guarantee full respect for human rights, and uphold the dignity of workers, employees, applicants for employment, students or those undergoing training, instruction or education.
The Civil Service Commission Resolution No. 01-0940, a set of administrative rules for government employees forms of Sexual Harassment include malicious touching, overt sexual advances, gestures with lewd insinuation, requests or demands for sexual favors, and lurid remarks, use of objects, pictures or writing notes with Sexual underpinnings and other forms analogous to the ones mentioned. The Sexual Harassment varies by jurisdiction and the legal and social understanding of Sexual Harassment varies by culture. (Kapunan, 2017).
The Sexual Harassment towards male Students may result to poor academic and low-stem. Some instances male students engage Sexual Relationship in exchange of passing grades. The double burden of the male students that experienced Sexual Harassment inside the school due the fact that some of the students victimized, resulting in them to be discriminated or bullied to other students.
School serve as second home of the students and the best places to represents the instrument which should provide goals, values and academic growth which be necessary to transform the raw mind of the students to be able to bring them up as productive law abiding and responsible citizen of the republic through the teachers. Sexual Harassment simply defines as bullying or coercion of a sexual nature and unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors and it includes a range of actions from mild transgressions to sexual abuse or assult.
Vitelli 2014 stated that the recent survey, about one-third of all working men reported at least one form of Sexual Harassment in the previous year. Of the 7,809 Sexual Harassment charges filed in 2011 with the U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 16.1 percent were filed by men. By 2013 this had risen to 17.6 percent. Despite the serious consequences that can stem from Sexual Harassment, whether it involves men or women, sexual harassment against men is often not taken that seriously. There has been extensive research looking at how Sexual Harassment can affect women, both in terms of the emotional consequences and reduced job prospects, but fewer studies have looked at how men are affected.
For long-lasting the existence of reliable cases of Sexual Harassment incidence is important in developing relevant crime prevention programs and strategies. This research aims to enhance information and determine the relevant causes of Sexual Harassment to propagate the abuses or assult towards the male students and guarantee full respect of human right. Thus, it is imperative to assess first the Sexual Harassment to the male students in school campus.
Objectives of the problem
In general, this study will be conducted to identify the Sexual Harassment incidence in Southern Leyte State University- Main Campus.
Specifically, this sought answers to the following research problems:
1. To describe the lived experiences of sexually harassed make students by gay instructors;
To identify the effect of sexual harassment to the participants lives and academic performance; and
To determine the coping mechanism of the participants after being sexually harassed.
Statement of the problem
This study aimed to examine the causes of sexual harassment of male students and to investigate the consequences and differences in the students who sexually harassed to their gay instructor. Furthermore this study also concerned to determine the real event that affect the life of a male student.
Specifically this study answered the following questions:
How does sexual harassment affect your life and your academic performance as a student?
Why does sexual harassment violates the moral, ethical standard and human right of a student?
How can you described your experiences on sexual harassment?
Why your gay instructors taking advantages on you as a students?
What is your reaction after being sexually harassed
Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to prevent the cases of sexually harassment and take action to those male students person who being sexually harassed on their gay instructor, and to male students who deprived their right.
-to describe the essence, the nature of experiencing a phenomena.
Significance of the study
This study aims to provide information on sexual Harassment incidence in Southern Leyte State University Main Campus, Sogod Southern Leyte. It will be useful for the;
Parents- Because they are the one who will give advice and guidance to their children in terms of doing right and wrong things, discipline to attained good manners and right conduct. This study will help them to give attention and protection to their children to develop positive attitudes and behaviors.
Instructor – Because they are the second parents to the students who will give advice and guidance also that will encourage the students to become a better person through the knowledge and capabilities in giving direction of life with pleasant personality.
Students- Because it serves as a guide them in order to avoid this consequences that can affect the life as a students and give knowledge also to prevent this cases that happened in a certain School and also can damaged the reputation.
Researchers-Because this study will contribute knowledge and information need in their studies and ideas that assist them as basis in gathering information to a particular phenomena
Conceptual Framework of the study
As shown in theoretical framework (figure) this study presents the sexual harassment incidence in Southern Leyte state University, Sogod Southern Leyte.
The concept for this study is supported by Folgers, Cropanzano, Anderson and Person the implication of theory that perception of fairness are determined by the comparison of behavior to a set of moral and ethical standards as mistreatments represent a violation of moral and social norms concerning how the self and others ought to be treated, case of gender harassed showing how uncivil or unkind behavior which violate norms for respect in social interactions.
Social = Cognitive theories
The concepts for this study is also supported by the implication theory of Angela Dionisi , Julian Barling that cast associated with witnessing the sexual harassment of a male colleague related to psychological and physical health, negative and positive , job-related behaviors and attitudes and the mediating roles of discreet negative emotions (anger, fear) and identity-based evaluations collective, self- Esteem).
After analyzing the lived experiences of sexual harassment of male students on gay instructors in SLSU-MC Sogod pertaining that the moral/right of the students abuses and harassed by the victimizer and identify the effect of sexual harassment in academic performance on the school campus, conducting symposium is the output.
Data analysis
The significant statement of male students who sexually harassed on gay instructor with regard to their experiences were analyzed using the method reading and reading the responses,
Ethical Considerations
The participant’s names and their other information was secured including any privacy. The record of our interview and all the information obtained from them were also secured in a manner ay the participants is protected and their participation to interview with agreement that their names should be keep and would not be written in any survey instrument and any information about them should be secured in the consent from them that it should be protected.
Research Participants
The research participants of this study were(s) Male students who harassed on gay instructors from different a college level in Southern Leyte University Main Campus Sogod Southern Leyte. ( the participant is protected and their participation to the interview with the agreement.
Chapter III
Research Design
The study used qualitative research design and utilized phenomenological approach with the aid of interview guide and voice recorder. Phenomenology is a research methodology as well as philosophy that explores, seek to describe the essence, the nature of the lived experiences of people as well as the structures of meaning. It is a philosophy as well as a methodology used mainly in the social sciences. Phenomenology produces qualitative data that mainly explore the subjective meanings and focuses on peoples meaning of lived experiences of a concept or phenomena.
This study pertakes the nature of social science and lived experiences that are paramount and object of the study. Researcher looking for the male students who sexually harassed on gay instructors perceptions, feelings and emotions that obtained to their personalities. The data comes in an in-depth individual interview was conducted in order to obtain a better understanding about the negative lived experiences of sexually harassed male students on gay instructors and the interventions that they receive from government, police, family and community. Therefore the study appropriate to a phenomenological approach.
Research Environment
The study covered all recorded responses in the five participants of Southern Leyte State University- Main Campus, Sogod Southern Leyte.
Research Instrument
The research instrument used a semi- structured interview guide with open-ended questions which addressed the specific questions to get essential information pertaining to the experiences of sexually harassed male students on gay instructors. As aids the researcher used notes to record the responses and voice recorder to make accurate basis of the responses of the participants.
Data Collection
A letter of request signed by the director of institute of Criminal Justice and requesting permission to the participants for the researchers to conduct the study, when the permission was obtained and already signed the researcher began to conduct an interview with the participants. Before the interview, the researcher stated the purpose of conducting research and make sure that the participants were fully aware of their rights. Informed consents presented to the sexually harassed male students with regard explanations to the purpose of the interview. They were informed that during the interview there will be voice recorder for record and a notes for assured the responses. The voice recorded interview clustered into common themes for the analysis and interpretation afterwards.
1. Based on your lived experience about sexual harassment how do sexual harassment affect yourlife and your academic performance as a students and why do sexual harassment violates the moral, ethical standard and human right of a students?
2. If you being sexually harassed on your gay instructors described your experiences on sexual harassment and why your intructors taking advantages on yo what is the reason and what is your reaction after being sexually harassed?
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